Gérer les utilisateurs

This is a simple guide on how to create and manage users using Roadiz CLI.

There are two ways of adding users, via the back-office and in command-line, both will be displayed in each section.

When working with Roadiz in the back-office, you can easily manage users via the User system icon in the toolbar.


Add user

You can add users simply by clicking Add an user button.


If you create an user without specifying its password, an email with a password reset link will sent to your new user. Make sure that you entered the right email and that your Roadiz website has a mailer configured. New user will be locked unless he or she reset its password first.

The command-line bin/roadiz users:create loginname starts a new interactive user creation session. You will create a new user with login and email, you can also choose if it’s a backend user and if it’s a superadmin.

Delete user

You can remove users by clicking the trashcan icon.


The command bin/roadiz users:delete loginname delete the user « loginname ».

Adding role

You can edit a users profile the same way you edit a node-type. You can add roles in the Roles tab.


If you want to add ROLE_SUPERADMIN role to « test » user, it would look like this in command-line:

bin/roadiz users:roles --add loginname
# You will be prompted to choose the ROLE with auto-complete feature.

Other action

It is possible to enable or disable users with users:enable or users:disable command. If a user doesn’t remember his password, you can regenerate it with the users:password command. For more informations and more actions, we invite you to check available commands with:

bin/roadiz list users