Gérer les documents

You can manage documents via the Document icon in the toolbar. You can either upload, embed, randomly downloaded documents, and even have a look at unused documents in your website.


Téléverser un document

Uploading a document has never been this easy: just drag and drop the document in the designated area.


Intégrer un document

Here is the magical part of the Documents section. You can have embedded documents from YouTube, SoundCloud, Vimeo, Mixcloud, Spotify, Twitch, TED and Dailymotion, then use them as if they were images in your content blocks.


Document aléatoire

Random is a cool feature that allows to download random documents to your website from Splashbase.


Document inutilisé

En cliquant sur Document inutilisé, vous pourrez vérifier la liste de toutes les sources non-référencées sur votre site, ce qui vous permettra par la suite de nettoyer votre base de données et de supprimer ainsi des fichiers inutiles.
