Create a new Roadiz project¶
For new projects Roadiz can be easily setup using create-project
command and our Skeleton.
# Create a new Roadiz project
composer create-project roadiz/skeleton my-website
cd my-website
# Create a local Dotenv to store your secrets
cp .env .env.local
# Edit your docker compose parameter in .env to
# fit your development environment (OS, UID).
# .env file will be tracked by Git
# Customize docker compose.yml file to set your stack name
# Initialize your Docker environment
docker compose build
docker compose up -d --force-recreate
Roadiz and Symfony development and production environments heavily rely on Docker
and docker compose. We recommend you to learn these awesome tools if you’re not
using them yet.
You still can use Roadiz without Docker, but you will have to install and configure a PHP environment, MySQL database, and a web server. If you are not using docker or docker compose, just ignore docker compose exec app
prefix in the following commands.
Keep in mind that Roadiz v2 is a complete rewrite to become a true Symfony Bundle, it is true a Symfony app and behaves like that.
Roadiz v2 is meant to be used as a headless CMS with API Platform. But you still can use Controllers and Twig templates, but there is no more theme logic, just Symfony Bundles and your own code (in ./src
Composer will prompt you if you want to can versioning history. Choose the default answer no
as we definitely
want to replace roadiz/skeleton Git with our own versioning. Then you will be able to customize every files
in your projects and save them using Git, not only your theme. Of course we added a default .gitignore
file to
prevent your configuration setting and entry points to be committed in your Git history. That way you can have
different configuration on development and on your production server without bothering about merge conflicts.
Generate JWT private and public keys¶
When using composer create-project command, you should have JWT secret and certificate automatically generated. If not, you can generate them using the following commands:
# Generate Symfony secrets
docker compose exec app bin/console secrets:generate-keys;
# Set a random passphrase for Application secret and JWT keys
docker compose exec app bin/console secrets:set APP_SECRET --random;
docker compose exec app bin/console secrets:set JWT_PASSPHRASE --random;
# Use built-in command to generate your key pair
docker compose exec app bin/console lexik:jwt:generate-keypair;
Install database¶
# Create and migrate Roadiz database schema
docker compose exec app bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate
# Migrate any existing data types
docker compose exec app bin/console app:install
# Install base Roadiz fixtures, default translation, roles and settings
docker compose exec app bin/console install
# Stop workers to force restart them
docker compose exec app php bin/console messenger:stop-workers
# Clear cache
docker compose exec app bin/console cache:clear
# Create your admin account
docker compose exec app bin/console users:create -m -b -s username
Then connect to http://localhost:${YOUR_PORT}/rz-admin
to access your freshly-created Roadiz backoffice.
If you setup Traefik on your local environment, you can reach your Roadiz app using your domain.test
test domain name without specifying a non-default port. You have to change HOSTNAME
dot-env variable and
change your local DNS to point domain.test
The easiest way is to add domain.test
to your /etc/hosts