Handling nodes and their hierarchy

By default, if you use Entities API methods or traversing Twig filters, Roadiz will automatically handle security parameters such as node.status and preview mode.

// Secure method to get node-sources
// Implicitly check node.status
    'node.nodeType' => $blogPostType,
    'translation' => $translation,
], [
    'publishedAt' => 'DESC'

This first code snippet is using Node-source API. This will automatically check if current user is logged-in and if preview mode is ON to display or not unpublished nodes.

// Insecure method to get node-sources
// Doctrine raw method will get all node-sources
$this->managerRegistry->getRepository(NSBlogPost::class)->findBy([], [
    'publishedAt' => 'DESC',
    'translation' => $translation,

This second code snippet uses standard Doctrine Entity Manager to directly grab node-sources by their entity class. This method does not check any security and will return every node-sources, even unpublished, archived and deleted ones.


To traverse node-sources hierarchy, the easier method is to use Twig filters on your nodeSource entity. Filters will implicitly set translation from origin node-source.

{% set children = nodeSource|children %}
{% set nextSource = nodeSource|next %}
{% set prevSource = nodeSource|previous %}
{% set parent = nodeSource|parent %}

{% set children = nodeSource|children({
    'node.visible': true
}) %}


All these filters will take care of publication status and translation, but not publication date-time neither visibility.

{% set children = nodeSource|children({
    'node.visible': true,
    'publishedAt': ['>=', date()],
}, {
    'publishedAt': 'DESC'
}) %}

{% set nextVisible = nodeSource|next({
    'node.visible': true
}) %}

If you need to traverse node-source graph from your controllers you can use the Entity API. Moreover, Nodes-sources API allows you to filter using custom criteria if you choose a specific NodeType.

$children = $this->nodeSourceApi->getBy([
    'node.parent' => $nodeSource,
    'node.visible' => true,
    'publishedAt' => ['>=', new \DateTime()],
    'translation' => $nodeSource->getTranslation(),
    'publishedAt' => 'DESC'


Browsing your node graph (calling children or parents) could be very greedy and unoptimized if you have lots of node-types. Internally Doctrine will inner-join every nodes-sources tables to perform polymorphic hydration. So, make sure you filter your queries by one NodeType as much as possible with nodeSourceApi and node.nodeType criteria.

// Here Doctrine will only join NSPage table to NodesSources
$children =$this->nodeSourceApi->getBy([
    'node.nodeType' => $this->nodeTypesBag->get('Page'),
    'node.parent' => $nodeSource,
    'node.visible' => true,
    'publishedAt' => ['>=', new \DateTime()],
    'translation' => $nodeSource->getTranslation(),
    'publishedAt' => 'DESC'


There are two parameters that you must take care of in your themes and your controllers, because they are not mandatory in all website cases:

  • Visibility
  • Publication date and time

For example, publication date and time won’t be necessary in plain text pages and not timestampable contents. But we decided to add it directly in NodesSources entity to be able to filter and order with this field in Roadiz back-office. This was not possible if you manually create your own publishedAt as a node-type field.


Pay attention that publication date and time (publishedAt) and visibility (node.visible) does not prevent your node-source from being viewed if you did not explicitly forbid access to its controller. This field is not deeply set into Roadiz security mechanics.

If you need so, make sure that your node-type controller checks these two fields and throws a ResourceNotFoundException if they’re not satisfied.

class BlogPostController extends MyAwesomeTheme
    public function indexAction(
        Request $request,
        Node $node = null,
        TranslationInterface $translation = null
    ) {
        $this->prepareThemeAssignation($node, $translation);

        $now = new DateTime("now");
        if (!$nodeSource->getNode()->isVisible() ||
            $nodeSource->getPublishedAt() < $now) {
            throw new ResourceNotFoundException();

        return $this->render(

Publication workflow

Each Node state is handled by a Workflow to switch between the following 5 states:


  • Node::DRAFT
  • Node::PENDING
  • Node::ARCHIVED
  • Node::DELETED


  • review
  • reject
  • publish
  • archive
  • unarchive
  • delete
  • undelete

You cannot changes a Node status directly using its setter, you must use Roadiz main registry to perform transition. This can prevent unwanted behaviours and you can track changes with events and guards:

$nodeWorkflow = $this->workflowRegistry->get($node);
if ($nodeWorkflow->can($node, 'publish')) {
    $nodeWorkflow->apply($node, 'publish');

Generating paths and url

You can use generateUrl() in your controllers to get a node-source’ path or url. In your Twig template, you can use path method as described in Twig section: twig-generate-paths.

use Symfony\Cmf\Component\Routing\RouteObjectInterface;

class BlogPostController extends MyAwesomeTheme
    public function indexAction(
        Request $request,
        Node $node = null,
        TranslationInterface $translation = null
    ) {
        $this->prepareThemeAssignation($node, $translation);

        // Generate a path for current node-source
        $path = $this->generateUrl(
            [RouteObjectInterface::ROUTE_OBJECT => $this->nodeSource]

        // Generate an absolute URL for current node-source
        $absoluteUrl =  $this->generateUrl(
            [RouteObjectInterface::ROUTE_OBJECT => $this->nodeSource],

Overriding default node-source path generation

You can override default node-source path generation in order to use {{ path() }} method in your Twig templates but with a custom logic. For example, you have a Link node-type which purpose only is to link to an other node in your website. When you call path or URL generation on it, you should prefer getting its linked node path, so you can listen to RZ\Roadiz\CoreBundle\Event\NodesSources\NodesSourcesPathGeneratingEvent:class event and stop propagation to return your linked node path instead of your link node path.

use GeneratedNodeSources\NSLink;
use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcherInterface;
use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventSubscriberInterface;
use RZ\Roadiz\CoreBundle\Event\NodesSources\NodesSourcesPathGeneratingEvent;

class LinkPathGeneratingEventListener implements EventSubscriberInterface
    public static function getSubscribedEvents(): array
        return [
            NodesSourcesPathGeneratingEvent:class => ['onLinkPathGeneration']

     * @param NodesSourcesPathGeneratingEvent $event
     * @param string                          $eventName
     * @param EventDispatcherInterface        $dispatcher
    public function onLinkPathGeneration(
        NodesSourcesPathGeneratingEvent $event,
        EventDispatcherInterface $dispatcher
    ) {
        $nodeSource = $event->getNodeSource();

        if ($nodeSource instanceof NSLink) {
            if (filter_var($nodeSource->getExternalUrl(), FILTER_VALIDATE_URL)) {
                 * If editor linked to an external link
                $event->setContainsScheme(true); // Tells router not to prepend protocol and host to current URL
            } elseif (count($nodeSource->getNodeReferenceSources()) > 0 &&
                null !== $linkedSource = $nodeSource->getNodeReferenceSources()[0]) {
                 * If editor linked to an internal page through a node reference
                /** @var FilterNodeSourcePathEvent $subEvent */
                $subEvent = clone $event;
                 * Dispatch a path generation again for linked node-source.
                 * Fill main event with sub-event data
                // Stop propagation AFTER sub-event was dispatched not to prevent it to perform.