Documents system

Storing documents elsewhere…

Storing documents outside of your web-server is a good practice for many reasons:

  • it allows to scale your application easily
  • it allows to use a CDN to deliver your documents
  • it allows to use a dedicated storage service (like Amazon S3) to store your documents

Documents system is based on Flysystem, a filesystem abstraction layer. It allows to store documents on local filesystem, Amazon S3, Google Cloud Storage, Rackspace Cloud Storage, Dropbox, FTP server, etc.

If you want to override default configuration, you can create a config/packages/flysystem.yaml file in your project and you must declare 3 storages:

  • used to store public documents (accessible by anyone)
  • used to store private documents (accessible only by authenticated users, or custom access control)
  • only used by Image processing system to store assets files

Following example shows how to configure Flysystem to use Scaleway Object Storage (S3 compatible) service:

# config/packages/flysystem.yaml
# Read the documentation at
        class: 'AsyncAws\S3\S3Client'
            -  endpoint: '%env(SCW_STORAGE_ENDPOINT)%'
               accessKeyId: '%env(SCW_STORAGE_ACCESS_KEY)%'
               accessKeySecret: '%env(SCW_STORAGE_SECRET_KEY)%'
               region: '%env(SCW_STORAGE_REGION)%'
    # Private client must be different for allowing copy across file systems.
        class: 'AsyncAws\S3\S3Client'
            -  endpoint: '%env(SCW_STORAGE_ENDPOINT)%'
               accessKeyId: '%env(SCW_STORAGE_ACCESS_KEY)%'
               accessKeySecret: '%env(SCW_STORAGE_SECRET_KEY)%'
               region: '%env(SCW_STORAGE_REGION)%'

            adapter: 'asyncaws'
            visibility: 'public'
                client: 'scaleway_public_client'
                bucket: '%env(SCALEWAY_STORAGE_BUCKET)%'
                prefix: 'testing-public-files'
            adapter: 'asyncaws'
            visibility: 'private'
                client: 'scaleway_private_client'
                bucket: '%env(SCALEWAY_STORAGE_BUCKET)%'
                prefix: 'testing-private-files'
            adapter: 'asyncaws'
            visibility: 'public'
                client: 'scaleway_public_client'
                bucket: '%env(SCALEWAY_STORAGE_BUCKET)%'
                prefix: 'testing-public-files'

Exposing documents in API

When using API Platform data transfer objects, Documents are ready-to-use with translations set-up on name and description fields. Made sure to configure your API operations with at least document_display serialization group:

    "@type": "Document",
    "@id": "/api/documents/xxxxx",
    "relativePath": "xxxxxxx/my_image.jpg",
    "type": "image",
    "mimeType": "image/jpeg",
    "name": null,
    "description": null,
    "embedId": null,
    "embedPlatform": null,
    "imageAverageColor": "#141414",
    "imageWidth": 1000,
    "imageHeight": 750,
    "mediaDuration": 0,
    "copyright": "© John Doe",
    "externalUrl": null,
    "processable": true,
    "thumbnail": null,
    "alt": "This is an image"

Expose document thumbnails

Thumbnails are exposed by default for each document, it is useful when documents are not displayable: PDF, native video, ZIP, etc:

    "@type": "Document",
    "@id": "/api/documents/xxxxx",
    "relativePath": "xxxxxxx/img_2004_framed_1080p_2000.webm",
    "type": "video",
    "mimeType": "video/webm",
    "name": null,
    "description": null,
    "embedId": null,
    "embedPlatform": null,
    "imageAverageColor": null,
    "imageWidth": 1920,
    "imageHeight": 1080,
    "mediaDuration": 14,
    "copyright": null,
    "externalUrl": null,
    "processable": false,
    "thumbnail": {
        "@type": "Document",
        "@id": "/api/documents/xxxxx",
        "relativePath": "xxxxxxx/img_2004_framed_1080p_2000.png",
        "type": "image",
        "mimeType": "image/png",
        "name": null,
        "description": null,
        "embedId": null,
        "embedPlatform": null,
        "imageAverageColor": "#917357",
        "imageWidth": 2662,
        "imageHeight": 1504,
        "mediaDuration": 0,
        "copyright": null,
        "externalUrl": null,
        "processable": true,
        "thumbnail": null,
        "alt": "img_2004_framed_1080p_2000.png"
    "alt": "img_2004_framed_1080p_2000.webm"

Expose document alternative sources

Alternative sources are not serialized by default for performance matters, but you can enable them in your project. Add document_display_sources serialization group to your resource configuration.

    "@type": "Document",
    "@id": "/api/documents/xxxxx",
    "relativePath": "xxxxxxxx/img_2004_framed_1080p_2000.webm",
    "type": "video",
    "mimeType": "video/webm",
    "name": null,
    "description": null,
    "embedId": null,
    "embedPlatform": null,
    "imageAverageColor": null,
    "imageWidth": 1920,
    "imageHeight": 1080,
    "mediaDuration": 14,
    "copyright": null,
    "externalUrl": null,
    "processable": false,
    "thumbnail": {
        "@type": "Document",
        "@id": "/api/documents/xxxxx",
        "relativePath": "xxxxxxxx/img_2004_framed_1080p_2000.png",
        "type": "image",
        "mimeType": "image/png",
        "name": null,
        "description": null,
        "embedId": null,
        "embedPlatform": null,
        "imageAverageColor": "#917357",
        "imageWidth": 2662,
        "imageHeight": 1504,
        "mediaDuration": 0,
        "copyright": null,
        "externalUrl": null,
        "processable": true,
        "thumbnail": null,
        "alt": "img_2004_framed_1080p_2000.png"
    "altSources": [
            "@type": "Document",
            "@id": "/api/documents/xxxxx",
            "relativePath": "xxxxxxxx/img_2004_framed_1080p_2000.mp4",
            "type": "video",
            "mimeType": "video/mp4",
            "name": null,
            "description": null,
            "embedId": null,
            "embedPlatform": null,
            "imageAverageColor": null,
            "imageWidth": 0,
            "imageHeight": 0,
            "mediaDuration": 0,
            "copyright": null,
            "externalUrl": null,
            "processable": false,
            "thumbnail": null,
            "alt": "img_2004_framed_1080p_2000.mp4"
    "alt": "img_2004_framed_1080p_2000.webm"

Expose document folders

Document folders are not serialized by default for performance matters, but you can enable them in your project. Add document_folders serialization group to your resource configuration.

    "@type": "Document",
    "@id": "/api/documents/3436",
    "relativePath": "xxxxxxxx/youtube_wplj0yxcnwk.jpg",
    "type": "image",
    "mimeType": "image/jpeg",
    "name": "Shirine - Bande annonce",
    "description": "",
    "embedId": "wPlj0YxCNwk",
    "embedPlatform": "youtube",
    "imageAverageColor": "#2d2426",
    "imageWidth": 200,
    "imageHeight": 113,
    "mediaDuration": 0,
    "copyright": "Opéra de Lyon (",
    "externalUrl": null,
    "processable": true,
    "thumbnail": null,
    "folders": [
            "@type": "Folder",
            "@id": "/api/folders/20",
            "slug": "danse",
            "name": "Danse",
            "visible": true
            "@type": "Folder",
            "@id": "/api/folders/31",
            "slug": "opera-inside",
            "name": "Opera-inside",
            "visible": false
    "alt": "Shirine - Bande annonce"