Write in Markdown¶
Markdown is a lightweight markup language with plain text formatting syntax designed so that it can be converted to HTML and many other formats using a tool by the same name. […] The key design goal is readability – that the language be readable as-is, without looking like it has been marked up with tags or formatting instructions, unlike text formatted with a markup language, such as Rich Text Format (RTF) or HTML, which have obvious tags and formatting instructions.
—Wikipedia article — https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown
Add two hashtag #
or more according to your title importance level.
Backoffice shortcut buttons allow to directly insert your titles marks before your selected text. Make sure to leave a blank line before each new title you write.
## Architecture
### Modern architecture
Be careful not to use only one hashtag to create a first-level title as this is usually used for pages main title.
Alternate syntax¶
Main title and second level titles can be written using =
and -
underline characters.
Modern architecture
Insert two stars *
before and after your text to set in bold.
Backoffice shortcut button allows to insert directly the 4 characters around your selected text.
This is a **bold text.** And a normal one.
Be careful not to leave whitespaces inside your stars group (in the same way you do with parenthesis) otherwise your text won’t be styled.
Insert one star *
before and after your text to set in italic.
Backoffice shortcut button allows to insert directly the 2 characters around your selected text.
This is an *italic text.* And a normal one.
Bold and italic marks can of course be combined using 3 stars before and after your selected text.
What if * character is already in use¶
Bold and italic markup can be performed using _
(underscore) character
too if you actually need to write a star character in your text.
A __3* Bed & Breakfast__ has just opened its doors in middletown.
Insert two tildes ~
before and after your text to strike-through.
This is ~~striked-through text~~.
Ordered and unordered lists¶
Insert a star *
or a dash -
followed by a single whitespace for each of your list item.
One item per line. Leave a blank line before and after your list. For ordered list, use a digit followed by a dot and a whitespace instead.
* A line
- An other line
* A unknown line
1. The first item
2. The second item
3. The third item
If you need to break an item into several lines, you’ll need to use the line-break markup.
Nested list¶
You can insert a second/third/… level for your list, just by leaving four spaces before your new list-item mark.
- A list item
- A sub-item
- A second sub-item
1. An ordered sub-sub-item
2. The second sub-sub-item
New paragraph and line-break¶
A simple line-break is always ignored by Markdown language because it makes a difference between a paragraph and a line-break. To simply create a line-break without creating a new paragraph, leave at least 3 spaces at the end of your text line then go to a new line.
26 rue Burdeau<space><space><space>
69001 Lyon<space><space><space>
To create a new paragraph, always leave a blank line between your text blocks. Any additional blank line will be ignored.
Nullam quis risus eget urna mollis ornare vel eu leo.
Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam.
Aenean eu leo quam. Pellentesque ornare sem lacinia
quam venenatis vestibulum.
According to your website design (CSS), new paragraphs may have no visual margins between them. Inserting more than one blank line won’t add any additional visual space as Markdown ignores it.
Hypertext links¶
Write link label between braces immediately followed by the URL between parenthesis. For external links
do not forget protocol prefix http://
or https://
[My link](http://www.google.com)
To create a internal link, just use relative notation:
[Contact us](/page/contact-us)
Then, for an email link, use mailto:
[John Doe](mailto:jdoe@example.com)
A link title can be added by inserting it before ending parenthesis wrapped in quotes.
[My link](http://www.google.com "Link to Google website")
Block quotes¶
Insert a >
sign before each new paragraph and a space to wrap your text in a
quote block. You can then use all other Markdown symbols inside your quote.
> ### Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla.
> Aenean lacinia **bibendum** nulla sed consectetur.
> Vestibulum id ligula porta felis euismod semper.
Images use the link syntax with an exclamation mark prefix !
. For external images
do not forget to write full URL with protocol http://
or https://

Be careful, images will be displayed as is, unless your webdesigner planned to adapt image size coming from Markdown fields using CSS. As links, an external image may break if its owner deletes the original image. Make sure to host critical images directly on your website and to use relative URL.
Footnotes are not supported with basic Markdown syntax, but the Markdown Extra one. So before using them, make sure your webdesigner used the right Markdown parser in your theme.
Praesent commodo cursus magna[^note], Sed posuere consectetur est at
lobortis. Vel scelerisque nisl consectetur et[^othernote].
[^note]: This a footnote
[^othernote]: This a second footnote
Markdown will automatically generate anchor links between your footnote and its reference. It will automatically use numbers as footnote reference labels, so you don’t have to bother to write numbers yourself but easy-to-remember markers labels.