WebResponse concept

A REST-ful API will expose collection and item entry-points for each resource. But in both case, you need to know your resource type or your resource identifier before executing your API call. Roadiz introduces a special resource named WebResponse which can be called using a path query param in order to reduce as much as possible API calls and address N+1 problem.

GET /api/web_response_by_path?path=/contact

API will expose a WebResponse single item containing:

  • An item
  • Item breadcrumbs
  • Head object
  • Item blocks tree-walker
  • Item realms
  • and if blocks are hidden by Realm configuration


Roadiz WebResponse is used in Rezo Zero Nuxt Starter to populate all data during the asyncData() routine in _.vue page

    "@context": "/api/contexts/WebResponse",
    "@id": "/api/web_response_by_path?path=/contact",
    "@type": "WebResponse",
    "item": {
        "@id": "/api/pages/7",
        "@type": "Page",
        "content": "Magni deleniti ut eveniet. Aliquam aut et excepturi vitae placeat molestiae. Molestiae asperiores nihil sed temporibus quibusdam. Non magnam fuga at. sdf",
        "subTitle": null,
        "overTitle": null,
        "headerImage": [],
        "test": null,
        "pictures": [],
        "nodeReferences": [],
        "stickytest": false,
        "sticky": false,
        "customForm": [],
        "title": "Contact",
        "publishedAt": "2021-09-10T15:56:00+02:00",
        "metaTitle": "",
        "metaKeywords": "",
        "metaDescription": "",
        "users": [],
        "node": {
            "@type": "Node",
            "@id": "/api/nodes/7",
            "visible": true,
            "position": 3,
            "tags": []
        "slug": "contact",
        "url": "/contact"
    "breadcrumbs": {
        "@type": "Breadcrumbs",
        "@id": "_:14750",
        "items": []
    "head": {
        "@type": "NodesSourcesHead",
        "@id": "_:14679",
        "googleAnalytics": null,
        "googleTagManager": null,
        "matomoUrl": null,
        "matomoSiteId": null,
        "siteName": "Roadiz dev website",
        "metaTitle": "Contact – Roadiz dev website",
        "metaDescription": "Contact, Roadiz dev website",
        "policyUrl": null,
        "mainColor": null,
        "facebookUrl": null,
        "instagramUrl": null,
        "twitterUrl": null,
        "youtubeUrl": null,
        "linkedinUrl": null,
        "homePageUrl": "/",
        "shareImage": null
    "blocks": [],
    "realms": [],
    "hidingBlocks": false

Override WebResponse block walker

Imagine you have a block (ArticleFeedBlock) which should list latest news (Article). You can use TreeWalker mechanism to fetch latest news and expose them as children of your block. This would require to create a custom TreeWalker definition:


# src/TreeWalker/Definition/ArticleFeedBlockDefinition.php

namespace App\TreeWalker\Definition;

use App\GeneratedEntity\NSArticle;
use App\GeneratedEntity\NSArticleFeedBlock;
use Doctrine\ORM\Tools\Pagination\Paginator;
use RZ\Roadiz\CoreBundle\Api\TreeWalker\NodeSourceWalkerContext;
use RZ\Roadiz\CoreBundle\Entity\NodesSources;
use RZ\TreeWalker\Definition\ContextualDefinitionTrait;
use RZ\TreeWalker\Definition\StoppableDefinition;
use RZ\TreeWalker\WalkerInterface;

final class ArticleFeedBlockDefinition implements StoppableDefinition
    use ContextualDefinitionTrait;

    public function isStoppingCollectionOnceInvoked(): bool
        return true;

     * @param NodesSources $source
     * @param WalkerInterface $walker
     * @return array
     * @throws \Exception
    public function __invoke(NodesSources $source, WalkerInterface $walker): array
        if ($this->context instanceof NodeSourceWalkerContext) {
            if (!$source instanceof NSArticleFeedBlock) {
                throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Source must be instance of ' . NSArticleFeedBlock::class);

            $criteria = [
                'node.visible' => true,
                'publishedAt' => ['<=', new \DateTime()],
                'translation' => $source->getTranslation(),
                'node.nodeType' => $this->context->getNodeTypesBag()->get('Article')

            // Prevent Article feed to list root Article again
            $root = $walker->getRoot()->getItem();
            if ($root instanceof NSArticle) {
                $criteria['id'] = ['!=', $root->getId()];

            if (null !== $source->getNode() && \count($source->getNode()->getTags()) > 0) {
                $criteria['tags'] = $source->getNode()->getTags();
                $criteria['tagExclusive'] = true;

            $count = (int) ($source->getListingCount() ?? 4);

            $children = $this->context->getNodeSourceApi()->getBy($criteria, [
                'publishedAt' => 'DESC'
            ], $count);

            if ($children instanceof Paginator) {
                $iterator = $children->getIterator();
                if ($iterator instanceof \ArrayIterator) {
                    $children = $iterator->getArrayCopy();
                } else {
                    throw new \RuntimeException('Unexpected iterator type');


            return $children;
        throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Context should be instance of ' . NodeSourceWalkerContext::class);

And register it in a new AutoChildrenWalker class which extends default RZ\Roadiz\CoreBundle\Api\TreeWalker\AutoChildrenNodeSourceWalker:


# src/TreeWalker/AppAutoChildrenWalker.php

namespace App\TreeWalker;

use App\GeneratedEntity\NSArticleFeedBlock;
use App\TreeWalker\Definition\ArticleFeedBlockDefinition;
use RZ\Roadiz\CoreBundle\Api\TreeWalker\AutoChildrenNodeSourceWalker;

final class AppAutoChildrenWalker extends AutoChildrenNodeSourceWalker
    protected function initializeAdditionalDefinitions(): void

            new ArticleFeedBlockDefinition($this->getContext())

Then you’ll need to register your custom AppAutoChildrenWalker for your /api/web_response_by_path endpoint:

You can override WebResponse block walker class by creating a custom App\Api\DataTransformer\WebResponseDataTransformer class which extends RZ\Roadiz\CoreBundle\Api\DataTransformer\WebResponseOutputDataTransformer.



namespace App\Api\DataTransformer;

use App\TreeWalker\AppAutoChildrenWalker;
use RZ\Roadiz\CoreBundle\Api\DataTransformer\WebResponseOutputDataTransformer;

final class WebResponseDataTransformer extends WebResponseOutputDataTransformer
    protected function getChildrenNodeSourceWalkerClassname(): string
        return AppAutoChildrenWalker::class;

Then register your custom class in your config/services.yaml file to override default WebResponse data transformer:

# config/services.yaml
    class: App\Api\DataTransformer\WebResponseDataTransformer

Retrieve common content

Now that we can fetch each page data, we need to get all unique content for building Menus, Homepage reference, headers, footers, etc. We could extend our _WebResponse_ to inject theses common data to each request, but it would bloat HTTP responses, and affect API performances.

For these common content, you can create a /api/common_content API endpoint in your project which will fetched only once in your frontend application.

# config/api_resources/common_content.yml

    collectionOperations: {}
            method: 'GET'
            path: '/common_content'
            read: false
            controller: App\Controller\GetCommonContentController
            pagination_enabled: false
                pagination_enabled: false
                    - get
                    - common_content
                    - web_response
                    - walker
                    - walker_level
                    - children
                    - children_count
                    - nodes_sources_base
                    - nodes_sources_default
                    - urls
                    - tag_base
                    - translation_base
                    - document_display

Then create you own custom resource to hold your menus tree-walkers and common content:



namespace App\Controller;

use App\Model\CommonContent;
use App\TreeWalker\MenuNodeSourceWalker;
use Doctrine\Persistence\ManagerRegistry;
use Psr\Cache\CacheItemPoolInterface;
use RZ\Roadiz\CoreBundle\Api\Model\NodesSourcesHeadFactoryInterface;
use RZ\Roadiz\Core\AbstractEntities\TranslationInterface;
use RZ\Roadiz\CoreBundle\Api\TreeWalker\AutoChildrenNodeSourceWalker;
use RZ\Roadiz\CoreBundle\Bag\Settings;
use RZ\Roadiz\CoreBundle\EntityApi\NodeSourceApi;
use RZ\Roadiz\CoreBundle\Preview\PreviewResolverInterface;
use RZ\Roadiz\CoreBundle\Repository\TranslationRepository;
use RZ\TreeWalker\WalkerContextInterface;
use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RequestStack;
use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\NotFoundHttpException;
use Symfony\Component\Routing\Exception\ResourceNotFoundException;

final class GetCommonContentController extends AbstractController
    private RequestStack $requestStack;
    private ManagerRegistry $managerRegistry;
    private WalkerContextInterface $walkerContext;
    private Settings $settingsBag;
    private NodeSourceApi $nodeSourceApi;
    private CacheItemPoolInterface $cacheItemPool;
    private NodesSourcesHeadFactoryInterface $nodesSourcesHeadFactory;
    private PreviewResolverInterface $previewResolver;

    public function __construct(
        RequestStack $requestStack,
        ManagerRegistry $managerRegistry,
        WalkerContextInterface $walkerContext,
        Settings $settingsBag,
        NodeSourceApi $nodeSourceApi,
        NodesSourcesHeadFactoryInterface $nodesSourcesHeadFactory,
        CacheItemPoolInterface $cacheItemPool,
        PreviewResolverInterface $previewResolver
    ) {
        $this->requestStack = $requestStack;
        $this->walkerContext = $walkerContext;
        $this->cacheItemPool = $cacheItemPool;
        $this->nodeSourceApi = $nodeSourceApi;
        $this->managerRegistry = $managerRegistry;
        $this->nodesSourcesHeadFactory = $nodesSourcesHeadFactory;
        $this->settingsBag = $settingsBag;
        $this->previewResolver = $previewResolver;

    public function __invoke(): ?CommonContent
        try {
            $request = $this->requestStack->getMainRequest();
            $translation = $this->getTranslationFromRequest($request);
            $home = $this->nodeSourceApi->getOneBy([
                'node.home' => true,
                'translation' => $translation
            $mainMenu = $this->nodeSourceApi->getOneBy([
                'node.nodeName' => 'main-menu',
                'translation' => $translation
            $footerMenu = $this->nodeSourceApi->getOneBy([
                'node.nodeName' => 'footer-menu',
                'translation' => $translation
            $errorPage = $this->nodeSourceApi->getOneBy([
                'node.nodeName' => 'error-page',
                'translation' => $translation

            $resource = new CommonContent();

            if (null !== $home) {
                $resource->home = $home;
            if (null !== $mainMenu) {
                $resource->mainMenuWalker = MenuNodeSourceWalker::build(
            if (null !== $footerMenu) {
                $resource->footerMenuWalker = MenuNodeSourceWalker::build(
            if (null !== $footer) {
                $resource->footerWalker = AutoChildrenNodeSourceWalker::build(
            if (null !== $errorPage) {
                $resource->errorPageWalker = AutoChildrenNodeSourceWalker::build(
            if (null !== $request) {
                $request->attributes->set('data', $resource);
            $resource->head = $this->nodesSourcesHeadFactory->createForTranslation($translation);
            return $resource;
        } catch (ResourceNotFoundException $exception) {
            throw new NotFoundHttpException($exception->getMessage(), $exception);

    protected function getTranslationFromRequest(?Request $request): TranslationInterface
        $locale = null;

        if (null !== $request) {
            $locale = $request->query->get('_locale');

             * If no _locale query param is defined check Accept-Language header
            if (null === $locale) {
                $locale = $request->getPreferredLanguage($this->getTranslationRepository()->getAllLocales());
         * Then fallback to default CMS locale
        if (null === $locale) {
            $translation = $this->getTranslationRepository()->findDefault();
        } elseif ($this->previewResolver->isPreview()) {
            $translation = $this->getTranslationRepository()
                ->findOneByLocaleOrOverrideLocale((string) $locale);
        } else {
            $translation = $this->getTranslationRepository()
                ->findOneAvailableByLocaleOrOverrideLocale((string) $locale);
        if (null === $translation) {
            throw new NotFoundHttpException('No translation for locale ' . $locale);
        return $translation;

    protected function getTranslationRepository(): TranslationRepository
        return $this->managerRegistry->getRepository(TranslationInterface::class);

Then, the following resource will be exposed:

    "@context": "/api/contexts/CommonContent",
    "@id": "/api/common_content?id=unique",
    "@type": "CommonContent",
    "home": {
        "@id": "/api/pages/11",
        "@type": "Page",
        "content": null,
        "image": [],
        "title": "Accueil",
        "publishedAt": "2022-04-12T16:24:00+02:00",
        "node": {
            "@type": "Node",
            "@id": "/api/nodes/10",
            "visible": true,
            "tags": []
        "slug": "accueil",
        "url": "/fr"
    "mainMenuWalker": {
        "@type": "MenuNodeSourceWalker",
        "@id": "_:3341",
        "children": [],
        "childrenCount": 0,
        "item": {
            "@id": "/api/menus/2",
            "@type": "Menu",
            "title": "Menu principal",
            "publishedAt": "2022-04-12T00:39:00+02:00",
            "node": {
                "@type": "Node",
                "@id": "/api/nodes/1",
                "visible": false,
                "tags": []
            "slug": "main-menu"
        "level": 0,
        "maxLevel": 3
    "footerMenuWalker": {
        "@type": "MenuNodeSourceWalker",
        "@id": "_:2381",
        "children": [],
        "childrenCount": 0,
        "item": {
            "@id": "/api/menus/3",
            "@type": "Menu",
            "linkInternalReference": [],
            "title": "Menu du pied de page",
            "publishedAt": "2022-04-12T11:18:12+02:00",
            "node": {
                "@type": "Node",
                "@id": "/api/nodes/2",
                "visible": false,
                "tags": []
            "slug": "footer-menu"
        "level": 0,
        "maxLevel": 3
    "footerWalker": {
        "@type": "AutoChildrenNodeSourceWalker",
        "@id": "_:2377",
        "children": [],
        "childrenCount": 0,
        "item": {
            "@id": "/api/footers/16",
            "@type": "Footer",
            "content": "",
            "title": "Pied de page",
            "publishedAt": "2022-04-12T19:02:47+02:00",
            "node": {
                "@type": "Node",
                "@id": "/api/nodes/15",
                "visible": false,
                "tags": []
            "slug": "footer"
        "level": 0,
        "maxLevel": 3
    "errorPageWalker": {
        "@type": "AutoChildrenNodeSourceWalker",
        "@id": "_:3465",
        "children": [],
        "childrenCount": 0,
        "item": {
            "@id": "/api/pages/153",
            "@type": "Page",
            "title": "Page d'erreur",
            "publishedAt": "2022-05-12T17:16:40+02:00",
            "node": {
                "@type": "Node",
                "@id": "/api/nodes/146",
                "visible": false,
                "tags": []
            "slug": "error-page",
            "url": "/fr/error-page"
        "level": 0,
        "maxLevel": 3
    "head": {
        "@type": "NodesSourcesHead",
        "@id": "_:14679",
        "googleAnalytics": null,
        "googleTagManager": null,
        "matomoUrl": null,
        "matomoSiteId": null,
        "siteName": "Roadiz dev website",
        "metaTitle": "Contact – Roadiz dev website",
        "metaDescription": "Contact, Roadiz dev website",
        "policyUrl": null,
        "mainColor": null,
        "facebookUrl": null,
        "instagramUrl": null,
        "twitterUrl": null,
        "youtubeUrl": null,
        "linkedinUrl": null,
        "homePageUrl": "/",
        "shareImage": null