Displaying documents

Did you noticed that images relation is available directly in nodeSource object? That’s a little shortcut to (nodeSource|handler).documentFromFieldName('images'). Cool, isn’t it? When you create your documents field in your node-type, Roadiz generate a shortcut method for each document relation in your GeneratedNodesSources/NSxxxx class.

Now, you can use the DocumentViewer service to generate HTML view for your documents no matter they are images, videos or embed. Two Twig filters are available with Documents:

  • |display generates an HTML tag to display your document.
  • |url generates a public URL to reach your document.
  • |embedFinder gets the EmbedFinder for current document according to the embed-platform type (Youtube, Vimeo, Soundcloud…).
{# Grab only first document from “images” field #}
{% set image = nodeSource.images[0] %}

{# Always test if document exists #}
{% if image %}
{{ image|display({
}) }}
{% endif %}

HTML output options

  • absolute (true|false, default: false), generates an absolute URL with protocol, domain-name and base-url. This must be used for social network images.
  • embed (true|false, default: false), display an embed as iframe instead of its thumbnail
  • identifier
  • class
  • alt: If not filled, it will get the document name, then the document filename
  • lazyload (true|false, default: false), fill image src in a data-src attribute instead of src to prevent it from loading. It will add automatically lazyload_class class to your HTML image.
  • lazyload_class (default: lazyload) Class name to be added when enabling lazyloading.
  • fallback (URL|data-uri) Defines a custom fallback image URL or data-uri when using lazyload option in order to fill src attribute and validate against W3C
  • blurredFallback (false|true, default: false) Generated a very low quality image version for lazyload fallback to better control image size and better experience.
  • picture (false|true, default: false), use <picture> element instead of image and allow serving WebP image to compatibles browsers. Only use if your server support WebP.
  • inline (true|false, default: true), for SVG, display SVG inline code in html instead of using an <object> tag. Default true.
  • loading (auto|lazy|eager|null, default: null), for next-gen browser only that will support native lazy-loading. This will be applied only on img, picture and iframe elements. This can fail W3C validation.

Images resampling options

  • width
  • height
  • crop (ratio: {w}:{h}, for example : 16:9), defines a ratio for cropping images. You must combine ``crop`` option with ``width`` or ``height`` option, otherwise you’ll end with a cyclic dependency to compute output image size. We recommend you to use fit option with final image size to better control output: crop may lose precision on width or height especially on small sizes.
  • fit (fixed dimensions: {w}x{h}, for example : 100x200), if you are using fit option, Roadiz will be able to add width and height attributes to your <img> tag.
  • align, to use along with fit parameter to choose which part of the picture to fit. Allowed options:
    • top-left
    • top
    • top-right
    • left
    • center
    • right
    • bottom-left
    • bottom
    • bottom-right
  • grayscale (boolean, default: false)
  • quality (1-100, default: 90)
  • flip (h or v), mirror your image vertical or horizontal
  • blur (1-100, default: 0) (can be really slow to process)
  • sharpen (1-100, default: 0)
  • contrast (1-100, default: 0)
  • background (hexadecimal color without #)
  • progressive (boolean, default: false), it will interlace the image if it’s a PNG file.
  • noProcess (boolean, default: false): Disable image processing, useful if you want to keep animated GIF

Audio / Video options

  • autoplay (boolean, default: false)
  • controls (boolean, default: true)
  • loop (boolean, default: false)
  • muted (boolean, default: false)
  • custom_poster (string): URL to a image to be used as video poster

For Soundcloud embeds

  • hide_related (boolean, default: false)
  • show_comments (boolean, default: false)
  • show_user (boolean, default: false)
  • show_reposts (boolean, default: false)
  • visual (boolean, default: false)

For Mixcloud embeds

  • mini (boolean, default: false)
  • light (boolean, default: true)
  • hide_cover (boolean, default: true)
  • hide_artwork (boolean, default: false)

For Vimeo embeds

  • displayTitle (boolean, default: false)
  • byline (boolean, default: false)
  • portrait (boolean, default: false)
  • color (boolean)
  • api (boolean, default: true)
  • automute (boolean, default: false)
  • autopause (boolean, default: false)

For Youtube embeds

  • modestbranding (boolean, default: true)
  • rel (boolean, default: false)
  • showinfo (boolean, default: false)
  • start (integer, default: false)
  • end (integer, default: false)
  • enablejsapi (boolean, default: true)
  • playlist (boolean, default: false)
  • playsinline (boolean, default: false): Allow iframe to play inline on iOS

You can use multiple source files for one video document or audio document. Just upload a file using tge same filename name but with a different extension. Use this method to add a poster image to your video too. For example: for my-video.mp4 file, upload my-video.webm, my-video.ogg and my-video.jpeg documents. Roadiz will automatically generate a <video> tag using all these files as source and poster attribute.

Using src-set attribute for responsive images

Roadiz can generate a srcset attribute to create a responsive image tag like the one you can find on these examples.

  • srcset (Array) Define for each rule an Array of format. Specifications
  • media (Array) Define one srcset for each media-query. You cannot use media without picture option.
{% set image = nodeSource.images[0] %}
{% if image %}
{{ image|display({
    'srcset': [
            'format': {
            'rule': '780w',
            'format': {
            'rule': '1200w',
    'sizes': [
        '(max-width: 780px) 200px',
        '(max-width: 1200px) 600px',
}) }}
{% endif %}

This will output an img tag like the following one:

<img src="/assets/f600x600-q75/image.jpg"
     srcset="/assets/f600x600-q75/image.jpg 1200w, /assets/f200x200-q90/image.jpg 780w"
     sizes="(max-width: 780px) 200px, (max-width: 1200px) 600px"
     width="600" height="600"
     alt="A responsive image">

Generate <picture> elements

If you want to combine srcset for media queries and device ratio, use picture element with media option:

{% set image = nodeSource.images[0] %}
{% if image %}
{{ image|display({
    'picture': true,
    'media': [
            'srcset': [
                    'format': {
                    'rule': '1x',
                    'format': {
                    'rule': '2x',
            'rule': '(max-width: 767px)'
            'srcset': [
                    'format': {
                    'rule': '1x',
                    'format': {
                    'rule': '2x',
            'rule': '(min-width: 768px)'
}) }}
{% endif %}

This will output a picture element supporting :

  • WebP image format (Roadiz will automatically generate a .webp image if your PHP is compiled with webp support)
  • Media query attributes
  • Device ratio src-set rules
  • A fallback img element for older browsers
    <source media="(max-width: 767px)"
            srcset="/assets/f320x200-q90/folder/file.jpg.webp 1x, /assets/f640x400-q75/folder/file.jpg.webp 2x"
    <source media="(max-width: 767px)"
            srcset="/assets/f320x200-q90/folder/file.jpg 1x, /assets/f640x400-q75/folder/file.jpg 2x"

    <source media="(min-width: 768px)"
            srcset="/assets/f800x600-q80/folder/file.jpg.webp 1x, /assets/f1600x1200-q70/folder/file.jpg.webp 2x"
    <source media="(min-width: 768px)"
            srcset="/assets/f800x600-q80/folder/file.jpg 1x, /assets/f1600x1200-q70/folder/file.jpg 2x"

    <img alt="file.jpg"
         width="640" height="400" />

More document details

You can find more details in our API documentation.

  • If document is an image: getDocumentByArray method will generate an <img /> tag with a src and alt attributes.
  • If it’s a video, it will generate a <video /> tag with as many sources as available in your document database. Roadiz will look for same filename with each HTML5 video extensions (filename.mp4, filename.ogv, filename.webm).
  • Then if document is an external media and if you set the embed flag to true, it will generate an iframe according to its platform implementation (Youtube, Vimeo, Soundcloud).
  • Get the external document URI (the one used for creating iframe for example) with (document|embedFinder).source(options…) twig command.

Displaying document metas

Documents can have name, description and copyright (which can be translated), just access them using documentTranslations multiple relation (documentTranslations.first should always contain current context’ translation):

{% for document in nodeSource.documents %}
    <div class="document-item">
        {{ document|display }}

        {% set metas = document.documentTranslations.first %}
        <h3 class="document-item-name">{{ metas.name }}</h3>
        <div class="document-item-description">{{ metas.description|markdown }}</div>
        <em class="document-item-copyright">{{ metas.copyright }}</em>
{% endfor %}

Displaying document thumbnails

Embed and non-HTML documents will not display automatically their thumbnails, even if they got one. Native videos and audios will always try to display <video> or <audio> elements, so if you need to force display their thumbnail image you’ll need to write it manually:

{% for document in nodeSource.documents %}
    <div class="document-item">
        {% if document.hasThumbnails %}
            {{ document.thumbnails[0]|display }}
        {% else %}
            {{ document|display({
                'controls': true,
                'autoplay': false
            }) }}
        {% endif %}
{% endfor %}

Non-viewable document types, such as PDF, Word, Excel, Archives…, will always use their thumbnail image, if there is one, when you call {{ document|display }}.

Manage global documents

You can store documents inside settings for global images such as header images or website logo. Simply create a new setting in Roadiz back-office choosing Document type, then a file selector will appear in settings list to upload your picture.

To use this document setting in your theme, you can assign it globally in your MyThemeApp::extendAssignation method. Use getDocument method instead of get to fetch a Document object that you’ll be able to display in your Twig templates:

$document = $this->get('settingsBag')->getDocument('site_logo');

Or in a Twig template:

<figure id="site-logo">{{ bags.settings.getDocument('site_logo')|display }}</figure>

This way is the easiest to fetch a global document, but it needs you to upload it once in Settings section. If this does not suit you, you can always fetch a Document manually using its Doctrine repository and a hard-coded filename.

$this->assignation['head']['site_logo'] = $this->get('em')->getRepository(Document::class)->findOneByFilename('logo.svg');