
If you want to contribute to Roadiz project by reporting issues or hacking code, let us thank you! You are awesome!

Reporting issues

When you encounter an issue with Roadiz we would love to hear about it. Because thanks to you, we can make the most awesome and stable CMS! If you submit a bug report please include all information available to you, here are some things you can do:

  • Try to simplify the things you are doing until getting a minimal set of actions reproducing the problem.
  • Do not forget to join a screenshot or a trace of your error.

Running tests

If you developed a new feature or simply want to try out an installation of Roadiz you can run unit-tests. For this you will need to install the testing dependencies, this can easily be done using:

composer update --dev

You have to run unit-tests on a dedicated database not to lose any existing Roadiz website. You can create a conf/config_test.yml YAML configuration which will be read only for this environment. Then, wire this configuration to a blank database. Unit-tests can be launched by the following command:

php bin/phpunit -v --bootstrap=tests/bootstrap.php --whitelist ./src tests/

If your are writing a feature, don’t forget to write a unit test for it. You can find some example in the folder tests. In Roadiz, there are 4 types of tests:

  • Standard tests which must extend \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase. These tests should only test simple logic methods and classes as they won’t require Roadiz kernel to boot up.
  • Kernel dependent tests which must extend RZRoadizTestsKernelDependentCase`. These tests should only test logic classes and methods inside Roadiz kernel without any database concern.
  • Schema dependent tests which must extend RZ\Roadiz\Tests\SchemaDependentCase. These tests should only test low level database methods and classes without relying on node-types or translations. Use this type of testing if you want to test Roadiz entities and repositories methods except for Nodes and NodeTypes.
  • DefaultTheme dependent tests which must extend RZ\Roadiz\Tests\DefaultThemeDependentCase. These tests rely on a complete Roadiz installation with existing node-types and translation. They are longer to prepare as PHPUnit must install a fresh Roadiz with DefaultTheme at each case.


Each SchemaDependentCase and DefaultThemeDependentCase will provision a fresh Roadiz database then drop it. Make sure to use a dedicated database. If you execute unit-tests from an existing Roadiz website, you’ll have to run bin/roadiz generate:nsentities at the end of your testing session to build your NodesSources classes again (every environment share the same gen-src folder).

Coding style

The code you contributed to the project should respect the guidelines defined in PHP PSR2 standard. If you install the requirements for devs by the command composer update --dev, you can use phpcs to check your code. You can copy and paste the following command-lines to check easily:

php bin/phpcs --report=full --report-file=./report.txt -p ./

Or you can use phpcbf to automatically fix code style issues.

php bin/phpcbf --report=full --report-file=./report.txt -p ./

Please take those rules into account, we aim to have a clean codebase. A coherent code-style will contribute to Roadiz stability. Your code will be checked when we will be considering your pull requests.

Static analysis

Then we use phpstan as a static code analyzer to check bugs and misuses before they occur:

php bin/phpstan analyse -c phpstan.neon -l 3 src

Standard Edition

Roadiz Standard Edition comes with a Makefile to make it easier to test your sources and your theme. Just execute make test and phpcbf and phpstan will test your theme sources. If you are using Gitlab CI/CD with our .gitlab-ci.yml file, those tests will be executed at each pipeline trigger.