
Roadiz is a web application running with PHP. It requires an HTTP server for static assets and SSH access with out/ingoing allowed connections. Here is a short summary of mandatory elements before installing Roadiz:

  • Nginx or Apache, with a dedicated virtual host as described below.

  • PHP 7.2+ required

  • php-gd extension

  • php-intl extension

  • php-xml extension

  • php-curl extension

  • php-mbstring extension

  • JSON needs to be enabled

  • ctype needs to be enabled

  • Your php.ini needs to have the date.timezone setting

  • You need to have at least version 2.6.21 of libxml

  • PHP tokenizer needs to be enabled

  • PHP OPcache + APCu (APC 3.0.17+ or another opcode cache needs to be installed)

  • php.ini recommended settings

    • short_open_tag = Off
    • magic_quotes_gpc = Off
    • register_globals = Off
    • session.auto_start = Off
  • MariaDB/MySQL/PostgreSQL or SQLite database (do not forget to install php-xxxsql extension according to your database driver flavor)

  • Zip/Unzip

  • cUrl

  • Composer

  • Git


If you are using a shared hosting plan, make sure that your server’s SSH connection allows external connections. You can verify with a simple ping If you get request timeouts, your hosting provider might be blocking your SSH connectivity. You should consider using at least a VPS-like hosting. If you really need to setup Roadiz on a simple shared-hosting plan, we encourage you to install it on your own computer and send it with SFTP/FTP (it might take a long time) or rsync it.

For Nginx users

If you are using Nginx, you don’t have to enable any extensions. You only need to create your virtual host using our example file /samples/nginx.conf.

For Apache users

If you are using Apache do not forget to enable these mods:

  • mod_rewrite: enabling Roadiz front-controller system.
  • mod_expires: enabling http cache headers on static assets.

And do not use built-in mod_php, prefer PHP-FPM 😉!

Then use /samples/apache.conf template to create your virtual host configuration file. It shows how to set rewrite and secure private folders from being viewed from public visitors.

If you do not have access to your Apache virtual host configuration, you can use the built-in htaccess generator:

bin/roadiz generate:htaccess

This command will generate .htaccess files in each critical folder to enable PHP scripts or deny public access to forbidden folders.

Standard Edition

bin/roadiz generate:htaccess is not needed anymore with Roadiz Standard edition as you will configure your Apache/Nginx root to web/ folder only. No source or configuration files will be exposed anymore.

CMS Structure

  • bin/: Contains the Roadiz CLI executable

  • app/: Contains every runtime resources from configuration to app cache and nodes-sources entities

    • cache/: Every cache file for Twig templates and Intervention Request images (this folder must be writable for PHP)
    • conf/: Your setup configuration file(s) (this folder must be writable for PHP)
    • gen-src/: Generated PHP code for Doctrine and your Node-types entities (this folder must be writable for PHP)
    • logs/: Monolog logs folder
  • files/: Private documents and font files root (this folder must be writable for PHP)

  • samples/: This folder contains useful configuration and example files for Apache or Nginx webservers

  • web/: Your website root, it contains your application entry-points and your public assets

    • files/: Public documents (this folder must be writable for PHP)
    • themes/: public assets mirror for each theme, this folder contains symlinks to your themes/YourTheme/static folder
  • themes/: Contains your themes and system themes such as Rozier and Install

  • vendor/: Dependencies folder managed by Composer